What To expect at akron fbc

Visiting a church can be intimidating, but when it comes to Akron FBC, you can relax…

What To Expect At Akron FBC

"Comfortable atmosphere and an amazing Pastor!"

What To Expect At Akron FBC

"If you are wanting to be rejuvenated, this is the church to visit!  This is a very welcoming, friendly church with a young energetic and enthusiastic pastor."

Expect To Belong.

We're not perfect.

That’s probably why we make such a close family, because we’re all sort of limping through life and growing in grace. We’re not evaluating you—when you walk in, we’re glad to see you! Don’t worry about having to measure up or fit in. None of us really measure up, and we’re all very different. Our family is very diverse, so fitting in isn’t an issue.

We’re not very religious.

Honestly, religion has let a lot of people down. Religious structures and systems are confusing, complicated, and disconnected from real life. We would love to help you move from “religion” into an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. If you feel new to it all, that’s ok, our church is filled with new believers—we speak “beginner” fluently!

We speak plain English.

We worship Jesus, study the Bible, and encourage each other in simple terms you’ll be able to connect to your daily life. We believe and teach what the Bible actually says and why it matters—no pointless traditions, no droning or irrelevant lectures, no pious arrogance. We open the Bible and apply it to real-life in the twenty-first century.

A lot of us are new.

Most of our church family is new! We really are just regular, friendly people. “Religious” people often come off contrived, artificial, and argumentative. You won’t find that at Akron FBC. We’re like you—working hard, fighting for healthy relationships, looking for encouragement, and glad to have some good friends who also have faith in Jesus Christ.

Expect To Grow. 

First, expect a friendly, grace-filled culture.

The gospel of grace is the center of everything we do at Akron FBC. Our family is warm and welcoming.

Expect meaningful worship

At Akron FBC, we worship Jesus. The music is powerful, enjoyable, and refreshing. Our goal is worship, not entertainment, and we believe the music will touch you deeply.

Expect a practical Bible message.

Pastor Michael will teach through a practical series that applies God’s wisdom to real-life situations. The Bible has the answers you’ve been looking for, and it’s essential for your journey through life.

Expect to be impacted for the better.

Our goal is simple—to love and encourage you. Whatever you’re facing, wherever you come from, whatever decisions you are up against—God’s word and God’s love will make a massive difference.

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What We Believe. 

The Bible:
We believe the Bible to be the revealed Word of God, fully and verbally inspired of God. We believe the Scriptures to be the inerrant, infallible Word of God, as found within the 66 books from Genesis to Revelation. We believe that God not only inspired every word, but that He has preserved them through the ages. (Psalm 12:6-7, II Timothy 3:15-17, I Peter 1:23-25, II Peter 1:19-21)

Sin and Salvation:

We believe all men were born with an inherited sin nature received from our common ancestor, Adam. Because of this nature, man is a sinner by choice, and he is totally incapable of reforming himself of ceasing from his sin by his own power. The only hope of deliverance for man is a total change of mind concerning his sinful condition and inability to change it, and a turning to Jesus Christ as the only Savior. Only through the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ on the cross can a man be delivered from his sin. All those who reject Jesus Christ as their Savior are already condemned to an eternity in the lake of fire. (Genesis 5:1-5, Acts 4:19, Acts 16:31, Romans 3:10-23, Romans 5:6-12, Romans 6:23, Romans 10:9-10, Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5-6, Revelation 20:11-14)

Jesus Christ:
We believe Jesus Christ to be the one and only Savior of mankind. We believe Jesus Christ to be eternally God and to possess all the attributes of Deity. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was virgin-born, that He was God incarnate, and that the purposes of the incarnation were to reveal God, to redeem men, and to rule over God's kingdom. We believe Jesus Christ never relinquished any attributes of His Deity, but merely veiled them. We believe He lived a perfect, sinless life, at the end of which He was offered for all mankind as a substitutionary sacrifice for man's sin. This sacrifice was a just payment to God for the forgiveness of sin. It was activated by His death through the shedding of His blood on the cross and was accepted by God upon His resurrection.

We believe that Jesus Christ literally arose from the dead in the same body, though glorified, in which He had lived and died. The resurrected Christ walked and talked with men and women. His resurrection confirmed the truth of all He said, and it guarantees the redemption and resurrection of all who believe in Him. We believe that Jesus Christ ascended to heaven and is now exalted at the right hand of God, where, as Head of the Church and as our High Priest, He fulfills the ministry of Representative, Intercessor, and Advocate. (Acts 1:9-11, Colossians 1:18, Ephesians 1:19-22, Ephesians 1:20-23, Hebrews 4:14-16, Hebrews 6:20, Hebrews 7:25, Hebrews 9:24, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 43:11, John 1:1, John 14:2, John 20 & 21, Luke 1:26-35, Matthew 1:25, Micah 5:2, Philippians 2:5-11, Psalm 2:7-9, Revelation 20:1-6, Romans 1:4, Romans 3:19-25, Romans 4:25, Romans 5:6-15, Romans 5:8, Titus 2:10-15, 1 Corinthians 15:5-6, 1 Corinthians 15:20-22, 1 John 1:3, 1 John 2:1-2, 1 Peter 1:3-5, 1 Peter 1:19, 1 Peter 2:2, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Timothy 2:5, 1 Timothy 3:16.)

The Holy Spirit:
We believe the Holy Spirit of God is a person who has personality and all the attributes of the Deity. We believe the Holy Spirit has always been involved in the affairs of mankind; however, we believe He has a special ministry that began at Pentecost and will continue until the rapture. This ministry includes reproving the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. The Holy Spirit was also sent to regenerate, sanctify, seal, and fill all tho have placed their faith in Jesus Christ. (Genesis 1:2, John 3:5-6, John 14:16, Acts 1:5, Acts 11:15)

We believe in one God; who is eternal, self-existent, infinite, and immutable. We believe He has one nature, one essence, and one substance: yet manifests Himself to man in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Deuteronomy 6:4, I Timothy 1:17, James 1:17, I John 4:4)

The Church:
We believe in the importance of the local church: that all believers should assemble and identify themselves in local churches. We believe the local church is composed of members who have been saved and baptized according to the command of Christ, and have voluntarily united together for the purposes of worship, fellowship, service, and observance of the ordinances of baptism and communion. (Matthew 16:16-18, Acts 1:5, Acts 2:41-43, Acts 11:15, Acts 20:28, I Corinthians 15:51-58, Ephesians 1:12-14, Ephesians 5:25-30, I Timothy 3:4-15)

Last Days:
We believe in the literal interpretation of the Scriptures in their grammatical and historical context. We believe in the pre-tribulational rapture of the church saints, followed by the seven-year tribulation. We believe in the pre-millennial return of Christ to the earth and His literal rule of 1,000 years. Following this one thousand year reign is the Great White Throne judgment and then the new heaven and new earth. (I Corinthians 15:51-58, I Thessalonians 4:13-18, I Thessalonians 5:1-9, Revelation 19-22)

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