Friday - July 21st

Philippians 3:10 – “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;”

When the Apostle Paul wrote these words, he meant more than just a superficial knowledge of God or simply knowing Jesus as a Savior. He was referring to a deep and personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. As Christians, we should strive to make this our top priority. Instead of only thinking about Jesus occasionally and trying to fit Him into our lives, imagine how much better our lives would be if we were completely consumed with Him like Paul was when he said, "That I may know Him."

We have every reason to make this our number one desire! We have the privilege of having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We get to spend time with Him, talk to Him, and serve Him. He loves us that much!

I believe J. Sidlow Baxter summarized it best when he said –

“That I may know Him.” – Ah, I long to know
Not just a Christ of far gone years ago;
Nor even reigning on a heavenly throne,
Too high and distant to be really known.
I long to know Him closely; this is how –
Alive – and in this ever-pressing “now”;
Communicating His all-conquering power,
A living One, within my heart this hour,
Who now no longer lives from me apart,
But shares His resurrection in my heart.”
(J. Sidlow Baxter)

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