Thursday - July 20th

Psalm 55:17 – “Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice.”

Prayer is essential to our well-being. It requires a heart that seeks after God and acknowledges our need for His help. If we seek His face diligently, we will find Him. Isaiah 55:6 tells us to "seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near..."

However, we can't approach prayer simply as a time to make demands or offer vain words. To find God and His will for us, we must humble our hearts and diligently seek Him. We need to spend time with Him daily to understand His will for us.

When we pray, it's crucial to remember that it's not just us meeting with God but also Him speaking to our hearts and meeting with us. So, let's make sure that our time in prayer each day is a time of listening to God and seeking His guidance.

“No man can do a great work for God who is not a man of prayer, and no man can be a man of prayer who does not give much time to praying.” – EM Bounds.

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