Tuesday - July 11th

Mark 1:32-35 – “And at evening, when the sun had set, they brought unto Him all who were diseased and those who were possessed with devils. And all the city was gathered together at the door. And He healed many who were sick with divers diseases, and cast out many devils; and He suffered not the devils to speak, because they knew Him. And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, He went out and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.”

It's amazing to see how hardworking and dedicated our Lord Jesus was. He spent a whole day helping others, teaching at the Capernaum synagogue, healing Peter's mother-in-law, and even casting out a demon. After the Sabbath ended, a big crowd gathered around him, hoping to receive his healing. Now, we don't know exactly how long this went on, but it probably lasted until late into the night. Despite being exhausted, Jesus woke up early the next morning to spend some time with the Lord in prayer.
Mark 1:35 – “And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.”

This is a great example of how important prayer can be. Just like Jesus found strength and power in prayer, we, too can seek God's help in our lives. That's why it's important to prioritize our relationship with Him and make sure to spend time with Him. Remember, we can always find comfort in knowing God is always there to help us.

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