Leading Courageously In 2025

Philippians 3:17 - "Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an example."
Imagine this: you’re sitting in church, and the pastor begins their sermon by saying, “Alright everyone, my goal for today is simple: I want you to be just like me. Mimic me. Follow me.” What would you think?

Arrogant? Full of himself? Probably. But what if this statement wasn’t about ego but about living a life so rooted in Christ that others could confidently follow your example?

That’s exactly what the Apostle Paul does in Philippians 3:17. He writes, “Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample.” In other words, Paul is telling the church to imitate him—not out of pride but as an act of biblical confidence.

Paul’s confidence wasn’t in himself but in Christ. In 1 Corinthians 11:1, he clarifies, “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.” Paul’s life was a transparent reflection of his Savior. He lived in such a way that he could say, “Watch me, and you’ll see what it means to live for Him.” That’s biblical confidence. And it’s the kind of confidence we’re called to cultivate in our own lives.

So, how do we lead with biblical confidence? Let’s break it down into three key principles:

1. Lead by Taking Action

Paul’s first challenge to the church was, “Follow me.” He wasn’t just teaching; he was living out his faith in plain sight. Courageous leaders don’t just talk the talk—they walk the walk. They take initiative.

Jesus exemplified this perfectly. He didn’t wait for His disciples to come to Him; He went to them and said, “Follow me.” He didn’t merely preach about serving others; He washed His disciples’ feet. He didn’t just talk about love; He demonstrated it on the cross.

Where do you need to take action? Maybe it’s stepping up to lead family devotions, volunteering in your community, or reaching out to someone in need. Don’t wait for someone else to lead. Take the initiative. Lead by example.

2. Lead with Integrity

Paul’s life was an open book. He invited others to scrutinize his actions, saying, “Imitate me.” That takes integrity. It means living transparently, with nothing to hide.

Think about a clear, polished mirror. It perfectly reflects whatever is in front of it. As Christians, our lives should clearly reflect Christ to the world. But mirrors don’t stay clean on their own; they need regular maintenance. Similarly, living a life of integrity requires intentional effort. We need to guard our hearts and ensure our actions align with our faith.

Ask yourself: Is my life pointing others to Jesus? If someone followed you around for a week, would they see Christ in you? Commit to living as though someone is always watching—because they are.

3. Lead by Example and Learn from Others

Leadership isn’t a solo journey. Paul encouraged the church to “mark those” who live as godly examples. He wasn’t just elevating himself; he was creating a culture of mutual learning and discipleship.

Even seasoned leaders like Paul never stopped learning. He surrounded himself with people who sharpened him and encouraged others to do the same. Leadership isn’t about creating followers; it’s about equipping others to lead.

Who are you learning from? Who are you mentoring? Biblical leadership thrives in community. Seek out godly mentors, and invest in others. As my father-in-law, Pastor Jesse Hailey once said, “I want to be a leader of leaders.”

Let’s embrace that same vision: not just to lead but to multiply leadership.

Step Up in 2025:

God has placed each of us in unique positions to influence others. Whether you’re leading a small group, teaching at Awana, or simply living out your faith at work, you have a role to play. Leadership isn’t reserved for a select few; it’s for all of us.

This year, commit to leading courageously. Take action, live with integrity, and learn from those around you. Lead to raise up more leaders—not for your glory, but for God’s.

Together, we can reflect Christ to the world and inspire others to follow Him with confidence.

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