Monday - July 24th

Recently, I've noticed that my daughter Ara has been saying "no" more often than usual, which I find amusing. On our trip to "The Spot" for breakfast last Saturday, when it was time to go, she disagreed with us and stubbornly said "no." To my surprise, she even ran in the opposite direction while shouting "Noooo!"

While this was entertaining, it made me think about our relationship with God. How often do we, like my daughter, refuse to follow God's guidance and run in the opposite direction?
It's important to remember that God always has our best interests at heart and knows what's best for us, just as I know what's best for my daughter. God has a perfect plan for us and knows exactly what we need to become who He has called us to be.
Jeremiah 29:11 states, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."

It's important to listen to God because He knows what we need.

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