Wednesday - July 19th

Romans 15:4 - "For whatsoever things were written afore time were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope."

Martin Niemoller, a prominent German pastor, found himself imprisoned in a concentration camp for speaking out against the corrupt influence of Adolf Hitler on the German church. Despite the harsh conditions of his captivity, Niemoller was permitted to keep a Bible with him, providing him with a source of comfort and solace during this difficult period.

After being released from prison, he spoke about how important the Bible was to him during his captivity: “The Word of God was simply everything to me – comfort and strength, guidance and hope, master of my days and companion of my nights, the bread which kept me from starvation and the water of life that refreshed my soul.” 

The story of Martin Niemoller's imprisonment is one that continues to resonate with people across generations, emphasizing the timeless significance of the Bible. Even in his darkest moments, Niemoller found solace, strength, and direction in the pages of God.

The Bible is not just a collection of stories; it is God's love letter to us. It provides hope, comfort, and guidance in life's darkest moments. Let us cherish this remarkable book, the greatest of all time, and never underestimate its profound impact on our lives. Embrace its wisdom and let it guide us with unwavering faith.

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