Wednesday - August 16th

Philippians 3:17 – “Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an example.”

Picture a preacher standing up and saying, "My goal for today's message is for you to be just like me – to mimic, imitate, and follow me." You might think that sounds kind of full of himself, right? Well, the Apostle Paul did something similar in the Bible, in Philippians chapter three.

In verse 17, Paul implores, "Brethren, be followers together of me..." The phrase "followers of me" translates to "mimic or imitate." It might sound surprising that Paul wanted people to be like him, but it’s important to remember this wasn’t arrogance coming from the mouth of Paul. It was an act of biblical confidence. You see, Paul believed so much in Jesus and how God changed his life that he wanted others to experience the same.

Just as we eagerly teach and guide others in practical matters of life, so too should we extend that confidence to our spiritual journey. Paul's call challenges us to confidently say, "Watch me," as we pursue Christ-centered living.

Today, reflect on your walk with Christ. Can you confidently say, "Follow my example as I follow Christ"? May we embrace Paul's biblical confidence and invite others to journey alongside us as we seek to imitate the Savior in our daily lives.

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